Saturday, September 26, 2009


Time has come to call spade a spade........

Time has come to put things in right perspective
I am not interested in pleasing anybody....

Or ....approving the frauds.........

Once i know what is the truth  (global warming is natural)

It is question of taking right decision.........

In right
.....the stake is high
Of my children, your children and ... the future generation....

I have listed facts on global warming and these cannot be denied
Any argument can be entertained within this framework only
IPCC or others who believe in man-made global warming should answer these 10 questions before taking any decision or making any conclusions

1. Pollution and global warming are two different phenomenons have no relationship at all......

2. Pollution is pollution and man made

3. Co2 is essential for the growing and in future

4. There is no established scientific relationship between the GHGs, CO2 and global warming

5. There is definitely relationship between awarded patented technologies of the past which are polluting technologies of today

6. Global warming is natural cannot be influenced by action of man or his activities

7. Mixing pollution (technologies) and global warming (natural cyclic processes) is the root cause of all the mess and confusion we are all in............. (courtesy IPCC or International Pollution Creating Committee)

8. All this manipulative scientific data which mixes the two phenomenons should be immediately banned and the manipulators brought to book to save the earth and future generation.

9. So called developed nations should owe moral responsibility for selling polluting technologies at exorbitant prices in the past. Pollution has to be controlled using sustainable better technologies....and these technologies should not have any patents..... But who knows these so called awarded and patented technologies of today become more polluting technologies of the has happened in the past

10. Global warming cannot be controlled can only be enjoyed.........

Building sustainable habitats in geologically sound locations...........

I request all to understand the geological aspect while commenting on global warming otherwise world would be forced to take a decision, a decision which will never save our brothers and sisters from the wraths of flooding, cyclones or sea level rise.........

Running after carbon and GHGs will only help earn billions to the selected few (..........). We and our future generation would be fighting a lost battle against warming because the data(provided by IPCC or International Pollution Creating Committee)  on which we are fighting is all false and manipulated....

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