Friday, September 18, 2009

Global warming is natural,enjoy it

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Dr. Ritesh Arya can be reached at:

‘Global warming is natural, enjoy it’ Declares Indian Geologist
‘Global cooling will lead to our extinction’

Award-winning Indian Geologist Dr. Ritesh Arya, who specializes in hydrogeology and groundwater resources in the Himalayas, declared, “Global warming is natural, enjoy it” and asserted that “man is too small to cause any impact on global warming.” Arya, warned that “global cooling will lead to our extinction.”

Arya will be discussing his new scientific paper which has been accepted for presentation at the July 5-9 2009 Global Conference on Global Warming in Istanbul, Turkey. Ayra was the recipient of the Great Indian Achievers Award 2004 and the Bharat Excellence Award 2003.

“Holding man and his activities responsible for pollution is truth, but holding him responsible for global warming is an “Inconvenient Truth” because man is too small to cause any changes of global scale on a sustainable basis,” Arya said on January 5, 2008. Arya says his new paper “emphasises the need to re-examine the global warming definition as proposed by UN IPCC which holds man and his activities responsible for increased global warming in recent years. Experiments carried by the author while drilling wells in the Indus Basin clearly show that major glaciers, including the Indus Glacier which extended from Mansarovar in Tibet to the Arabian Sea, melted much before the advent of industrialisation and the rates of receding of glaciers, though unknown in those times, were much faster then are being projected and related to the activities of man today.”

“The time has come to put things about global warming straight, before it is too late. Associating global warming to the activities of man as proposed by UN IPCC and holding mankind’s actions responsible for directly or indirectly contributing to increased greenhouse gases, leading to enhanced temperatures or faster melting rates of glaciers, will only make things worse because the definition and approach tries to establish a mathematical relationship between man and his environment but completely fails to explain the process in totality. Hence this confused scenario where we have become our own enemies and it seems we are fighting a lost battle. But the reality is totally different and man is too small to cause any impact on global warming,” Arya explained.

“So-called greenhouse gases are essential for our survival now and increased population in the future, but today these gases are treated as if they are threatening our very existence by enhancing the global warming processes. Global cooling will lead to our extinction. Imagine living in Antarctica or Greenland for the rest of the life without water, without cyclones, without floods. So it’s high time we learn to enjoy global warming,” Arya said.

Arya says his paper “is based on the data gathered for over a decade from the borewell samples drilled in the paleo-glacio-fluvial deposits of the Indus basin in Ladakh, Indian Himalayan region. Borewell samples analysed from the wells drilled clearly show that global warming and cooling processes are like day and night though with longer durations. They are an essential part of the global climate natural cycle which acts in uniform to continuously change the various landforms on this mother earth and make it geomorphologicaly so beautiful.”

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Note: Scientists in India are speaking out to publicly dissent from man-made climate fears and reject the views of their fellow countryman, UN IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri. See: India Issued a 2008 report challenging global warming fears. Also, Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet recently slammed climate fears and UN. “The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists.” ]

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Indian Geologist Dr. Ritesh Arya, who specializes in hydrogeology and groundwater resources in the Himalayas, has authored several research papers and was invited by the Royal Geographical Society in 2005 to discuss climate change. Ayra, who has been the recipient of the Great Indian Achievers Award 2004 and the Bharat Excellence Award 2003, rejected man-made climate fears in 2008. “There is urgent need to put the phenomenon, which had not been triggered off suddenly, in the right perspective, as today almost every human activity right from vehicular emissions to use of polythene is being linked to global warming which was a much larger event which started as soon as the Ice Age ended. The fact was that the ‘biotic’ agents (man and other living organisms) had a very small role compared to the ‘abiotic’ (geological, geomorphologic, climatologic, planetary and hydrological) events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, movement of glaciers and landslides,” Arya told The Tribune on February 18, 2008. According to the article, Arya termed “the hype and panic over ‘global warming’ as ‘unnecessary.’” “There is a hype of global warming created by western mass media and there is a need to redefine the whole concept,” Arya said on June 14, 2008. He also has been recognized by the Guinness World Records for his “achievement in finding aretsian groundwater in the Chushul area at an altitude of more than 14,000 ft.”

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