Friday, October 9, 2009

Ritesh Arya on why Obama is better choice for nobel prize....................................................................                        

OBAMA is 1000 times better candidate to receive Nobel peace  prize then AL Gore (fraud , who conveniently mixed warming with pollution to make the INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and I REALLY don't understand why the world is silently accepting this INCONVENIENT TRUTH.......WHICH IS FAR FROM REALITY and will be affecting us now and  generations in future....and the Nobel prize there off......

but OBAMA has really changed the way America was during BUSH ......hopeless to hope....& hope he leads America for 10 years best wishes OBAMA.....may  be GOD wanted  peace on earth...and Americans a change for their face for the atrocities and injustices they committed in IRAQ...Afghanistan and the rest of the world....during Bush

by the way where are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq............. Mr America.........


Same question we will be asking AlGOre and UNIPCC where and how is GHG and CO2 effecting warming...... but then it will be too late.......

here is the twist.....
In Iraq weapons of mass destruction were not there STILL Sadaam was killed, Baat party was destroyed and  ................................... America had control over the OIL FIELDS


Global warming is not going to spare ANYONE including the so called  developed world Coasts of America and Europe have started experiencing the effects........most of them will be severely facing the effects of FLOODS, cyclones and submergence in near future

Shadow of global warming is looming large on the world but if we move in the INCONVENIENT DIRECTION then we will be the real sufferers........and our generations will be worst hit and still they would be direction less sufferers..

time to rethink global warming.......

            find ways to enjoy warming.....

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