Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dr Arya on GLOBAL WARMING on twitter

  1. ritesh aryaritesharya Al Gore, Pachuri and others have conveniently mixed global warming and pollution to create "Inconvenient Truth" Dr Ritesh Arya
  2. ritesh aryaritesharya Global cooling will lead to extinction. Imagine living in Antarctica for rest of life without floods. Time to enjoy warming,” Dr Ritesh Arya
  3. ritesh aryaritesharya “So-called greenhouse gases are essential for our survival now and increased population in future" .....Dr Ritesh Arya
  4. ritesh aryaritesharya "UNIPCC establishes mathematical relationship between humans, environment& warming it fails to explain processes in totality" Dr Ritesh Arya
  5. ritesh aryaritesharya “Holding man responsible for pollution is truth, but holding him for global warming is “Inconvenient Truth”. Dr Ritesh Arya

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