Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dr. Ritesh arya on global warming



Mixing pollution and global warming is the most inconvenient truth

Noble prizes are awarded to mix pollution with global warming 

Global warming is natural and that is Convenient Truth

Ritesh Aryas Convenient Truth on global warming

About Dr Ritesh
Dr Ritesh Arya is an award winning geologist and holds Guinness World Record for drilling the highest well in the world. In drilling one of these wells in Ladakh Himalayas he found evidences of Indus Glacier which became extinct 1000s of years ago. 

This prompted him to find more evidences of global warming being a natural phenomenon and over the last 13 years he has been able to gather evidences to show that global warming is 100% natural. Pollution is linked to technology and is man made but pollution can be 100% natural also.

Mixing pollution and global warming will be great blunder and biggest scientific fraud of this century.

Global warming is beyond temperatures,GHGs,CO2 and activities of man. It is part of natural cyclic process responsible for transporting various materials deposited during global cooling times

Global warming:: A convenient Truth its natural,enjoy it

Dr Ritesh Arya on global warming